About Us

We are total geeks, we love everything about board games, card games and battle games. Many years ago we started our adventure with 3D printing as a new hobby and it quickly turned out that building our own printers gives us as much fun as playing games. After years of gathering experience, we decided to combine these two passions into one family business.

What we do?

Aktualnie nasz park maszynowy pozwala nam na druk w dwóch technologiach.

FDM – druk 3D z termoplastycznych materiałów takich jak PLA, ABS, PETG, ASA.

SLA – Druk 3D z żywic utwardzanych światłem UV.

W planach mamy rozszerzenie możliwości produkcyjnych o maszyny CNC.

Our team

Paweł 'Selive'
3D printing technician

A magician of 3D printing techniques, he loves screws and spending hours pampering his works. It deals with printing everything that comes out to our clients.

Krzysztof 'Rieek'
Marketing and logistics

A typical person for tasks on the first line of contact with the client, he is also involved in inventing new products for printing.